Monday, November 14, 2011

Short Term Stays at the Lodge, Part II

Most residents at the Lodge have settled into their apartments for long-term stays. They move in their furniture, bring in their belongings, and decorate their apartments as they see fit. Many people do not realize, however, that we also specialize in housing options for people with temporary needs.

Assisted Living Respite Care

There are many times when short term assisted living care is required.  Respite care is a great solution for seniors needing a little extra help after an illness or hospital stay. It is also used to help out when family members are not able to care for a loved senior for a few days due to illness or a vacation. Sometimes people use our respite apartment just to get a feel for Lodge living and to decide if we are the right place to make home.

For respite care we utilize fully furnished studio apartments and the package includes three meals a day in the Lodge’s dining room, assisted living care from certified caregivers, transportation to local medical appointments, and access to all campus activities.  It also includes any assisted living services we offer including medication management, bathing, transporting, and dressing.  There is a two-week minimum stay in our respite apartments.

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