Sun Valley Lodge will open its Spring Discover Arizona series on Thursday, March 5th at 2:00 PM with a presentation on the Gunfight at the OK Corral. The program will be led by Dr. John Ziegler of Tombstone. Dr. Ziegler is a retired professor and historian.
Through research in legal documents, photographs, diaries, newspapers, and scholarly studies, Ziegler examines the confrontation as it looked in the late fall of 1881, and contends that the gunfight centered on the political and financial control of Tombstone. The shootout marked the climax of a power struggle between the "world unfenced" of the cowboys and the law-and-order world of the town-centered Earps. Contrary to what novelists and screenwriters have portrayed, Tombstone in 1881 was evenly divided in its sympathies.
The Discover Arizona series consists of six programs that each feature a different aspect of Arizona history and are presented by an accomplished speaker. All of the programs are free and open to the public.