by Patrice Anne Stolz, resident and volunteer
Our imaginative and hard working Activity Directors, Bernadette and Jan, got together to figure out a way to have a popcorn machine for the Health Care Center...and word travelled quickly! These gals are great at performing miracles for us and that's just what was needed for this project: Money and how to get it...
It all started with wanting to make this happen and staff members asking what they could do to help, like: "Let me do this" and "I have one of those at home I can bring in" and, "I can bake lots of those for sale" and "I have a great punch I can make here" and so it went. We had a real party in the making! It was agreed to have this fun day on Friday 30 August and to have a White Elephant Sale included.
The staff generously brought all kinds of goodies - to eat and purchase like rootbeer floats, ice cream sundaes, sodas, milkshakes. They also arrived with everything under the sun for the white elephant sale. All this to the tune of well loved 1950's music playing in the background. I think I even saw Eck doing the Jitterbug with some pretty lady in a Poodle skirt, saddle shoes and bobbie sox! The Skylight Room was the perfect location. They titled the event: SVL 1950's Day Party and boy was it ever fun! Chelsie was dressed as "Rosie the Riveter", Bernadette dressed as Squiggy from the TV show 'Laverne & Shirley' and lots of others too!
It was evident that everyone had a grand time! We succeeded in not only raising enough money to purchase a brand new bright and shiny popcorn machine for the Health Care Center, but we had money left over which will be put to good use for future SVL social activities. It would not have happened without the love, dedication and hard work of our very special staff here at The Lodge - they did all the work. To each and every one who made this miracle happen, we bow proudly to you and give you all a great big round of applause. They all agreed: "It was our pleasure - it all came from our hearts to yours."