Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Join us for "Flagstaff and the Austrians: WWII Prisoners of War at Navajo Ordnance Depot "

Thursday, March 28th
10:30 AM
Sun Valley Lodge

This event is free and open to the public

In early 1945, the Army separated 250 Austrian prisoners of war from Germans at Camp Florence and sent them to Navajo Ordnance Depot located ten miles west of Flagstaff at Bellemont. The Austrians labored in all areas except those directly involved with munitions, and they provided valuable work during a period of severe labor shortage. Their story is unique because there was no other camp in the nation where enemy prisoners of war worked on a daily basis with large numbers of Native Americans.

John S. Westerlund, Ph.D. graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1968 with a degree in civil engineering. He served as a U. S. Army field artillery officer for 26 years, retiring in 1994 as a lieutenant colonel. He earned a certificate in the French language from the Sorbonne, Paris, an M. A. in American history (colonial America) from Utah State University, and a Ph. D. in American history (American West) from NAU. His book Arizona’s War Town: Flagstaff, Navajo Ordnance Depot, and World War II, won awards from the Border Regional Library Association (El Paso, Texas), and from the Arizona Authors Association. He is currently a seasonal ranger with the National Park Service at the Flagstaff Area National Monuments.

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